Thursday, May 31, 2012

Green Acres is the Place to Be

This morning at 7:30 a.m. I was driving into town in Dean's truck thinking, nothing says class like driving a 12-year-old pickup with a crate of chickens in the back. Pullets, I mean. Pullets are chickens that are out of the chick stage but less than a year old. Did you know that when you get pullets in the mail, the post office calls you at 7:15 a.m. to tell you to come get them?

So after I dropped MadMax off at school, I was headed to the post office to pick up the newest residents at our place, three Rhode Island Reds and three Buff Orpingtons.

It turns out that pullets are actually shipped in small-ish boxes-- two per box, and the three boxes were taped together-- so I could pick up the whole thing with little problem. It fit in the back of Dean's pickup with room to spare to put the lid down, so I didn't look any tackier than I usually do when driving the truck. 

And we now have six beautiful pullets.  They are surprisingly healthy looking, since they just spent two days in a box. 

So here they are, upon arrival:

They were thirsty! (sorry I didn't manage to get all six of them in one shot, but they're active little things.)  We'll see how it goes.  Wish us luck, and advice WELCOME.  We are complete neophytes.


  1. Very cool! Good luck and keep posting about them.

    1. Thanks, Karen-- I'm sure I will. They are pretty entertaining so far.

  2. I just like saying the name "Buff Orpington". I would get chickens just to be able to say that name to people.

    1. I know, and they are the prettiest color, too. It doesn't photograph very well, sort of golden-tan.

  3. Buff Orpingtons makes me think of Miss Twitterton in Busman's Honeymoon. Love Lord Peter Wimsey!

    1. Oh, I read those YEARS ago. I remember I enjoyed them, but that's about all I remember about them.

  4. Cool chickens. My grandson loves chickens.
    10:13 pm cst, jfl

    1. hey, you should bring him to visit! :-)

  5. The e-mail notification worked beautifully!

    Are you all current over at Terry's place? I'm still going through her blog archives. Almost caught up though. Much hen info to be had there. She is your best resource! (And her upgrade is lovely.)

    1. I've never read her blog, I'm not sure I even knew she had one! I have read several of her FAQs about chickens, though. She is a gold mine of information.

    2. oh, and thanks for testing out the e-mail thing for me! I'm glad it works.

  6. Oh beautiful little chickenies! Tell them I say hello.

  7. Lovely chickens! I must now point you to my IRL friend Nancy's blog so you can meet Frankenchick.
    The previous post is worth a look, too. :)

    1. Thanks for the link, Delia. I love her little bantams, I never even thought about getting little ones. Now that we have SIX, several people have told us that we are going to be inundated with eggs. It's hard for me to believe since they haven't even laid one yet, but I guess we'll see. I hope we will have a better experience than she did!
