Thursday, May 09, 2013

sneaky chickenz

The number of eggs we've been getting recently has really dropped off, but since we had way more eggs than we needed anyway, I wasn't really worrying about it.  Turns out that they've been laying, just not in the coop.  Look what I found this afternoon when I went to drag out the pots for my flowers:

Silly chickens.

I spent the weekend in Washington, D.C. with my mom and my sisters--we had a great trip.  But I've spent the week catching up.  Back soon.


  1. Oh how clever they thought they were!
    (Maybe not, I've known chickens, and they really ain't all that bright, but it's still kinda sweet and silly.)

    Welcome home!

    1. yes, not too bright, sweet and silly. That's our chickens. :-)

  2. Maybe they were teaching their progeny to play hide and seek. Of course, they should have let the seeker know.

    1. yeah, it makes me wonder if they are expecting progeny. We don't have a rooster, so it's not possible, but it does make me a little sad if that's what they're thinking. Although as Julie said, they don't have all that many brain cells.

  3. Just saying hi. I'm way to brain dead and overwhelmed to make a coherent or (ha!) thoughtful comment, but I wanted you to know I was still alive and kicking and checking in on you. Good job on negotiating the public transportation in DC.

    1. Hi, Karen-- me, too. "Plodding" is the word that best describe me these days. It's so pretty right now, which usually energizes me, but I've been taking two naps a day and I'm still so *tired.* Thanks for checking in!
