Monday, February 11, 2013

11 p.m. on Monday and I have to decide....

I thought about not posting at all this week, because whenever I write several serious posts in a row (like Tues-Wed-Thurs of last week), I get sick of the sound of my own voice, if you know what I mean, given that I'm not talking and there is no sound of my voice.

But I figured I could do pictures, and I haven't done any pictures in awhile, so here you go.  Technically this keeps my Monday-through-Friday posting streak alive for another day, but I haven't come up with anything to write about tomorrow, so it may not last much longer.  There are more things I could say about my trip to Texas, but the stuff I wrote about last week are the issues that make my heart hurt and thus seemed important enough to write about. 

The chickens' pen is about thirty feet from our house, but it's down a pretty steep slope.  So it always makes me happy when they are adventurous enough to make their way from the coop to the stairs:

and it's even better when they climb these stairs, circle around the back of the house, and make their way to the deck-- which would be quite a trip for a little 6 pound chicken.

Makes my day when one of them hangs out on the deck for awhile. :-)

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