Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Miss Sadie, Princess of Pee


  1. Can you please bottle that "New Puppy" smell that I am sure she has and send it to me. She is too cute.

    1. Sending New Puppy smell via smoke signal. I think it will work. But I guess it will smell like smoke. hmmmm.

  2. Oh she IS a cutie! And she's a girl, so you can put her in dresses! Wait, she has a boy person .... hm, too bad.

    From the last post, lol, I got a mention in Number FIVE. But sadly, I have no idea whether I get those updates when you go back and edit. Seems like I don't though. Just for a new post.

    Also, we have tons of veggie recipes these days. A new one we've recently invented is a sort of stew/casserole. It starts with quinoa, the seasoning is Indian spices (we bought ours in bulk after reading the labels on a bunch of jars), and an assortment of whatever beans we have on hand, just all pitched in together. (We've also added corn, peas, and/or tomatoes.) Very tasty, and perfectly well-balanced.

    Frittata recipes are all over the interwebz, it's another one of my new favorites. And how many custards have you made so far? They are great, rich and delicious, take plenty of eggs.

    1. We do quinoa fairly often, but I haven't tried it with Indian spices, that is a great idea. We will do that. Fortunately for me, Nell loves to cook. We make a good team-- she likes doing all the fiddly chopping and prep work that I have no patience for, and I like coming up with ideas for us to try. I found a recipe for spinach-feta balls (for a vegetarian version of spaghetti with meatballs). She made the spinach balls, and I made the sauce and the pasta. It was really, really good.
